Pittsburgh News/Talk
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John Fredericks
John Fredericks Radio and TV Talk Show Host
John Fredericks is a senior media executive with over 40 years experience. As an accomplished journalist and formidable investigative reporter, Fredericks has served as a major market newspaper publisher, editor, TV host, radio host, commentator, and syndicated columnist. He has covered national news events that include government, business, economics, and politics.
Fredericks was the first media personality in America to endorse Donald J. Trump for President in June 2015 and correctly predict both his nomination and his general election victory. He was elected National Delegate to the 2016 Republican convention from Virginia’s 4th Congressional District.
John Fredericks served as Co-Chair and then Chairman of the Trump for President Virginia Campaign in 2015-16.
Fredericks serves as an AL Jazeera International News Analyst reporting on U.S. & Middle Eastern Politics. He is also a White House Correspondent and CNN Contributor.
NASCAR Daytona 500
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